Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Valorous Maya

Maya's association

Oh! Maya! You make impossible things happen!
That Brahman, which was one decided to multiply itself and by your reflection that Supreme manifested into the Materialistic World!
You are the mother of all the worlds and all the creations!

Magical Power of Maya

Oh! Maya! You are extremely talented! You make unreal things real! This entire Universe is the manifestation of that Supreme Brahman! But with your extreme intelligence, you make it look like this world is real! Glories to Sadguru, who cleared that illusion! Glories to that SadGuru, who took me out of the plane of material existence , into that plane of non-duality!!

Oh! Maya! You are so skilful! Even a wise man, who has learnt the shastras and an expert, may behave like a four-legged animal! Just in one second, they lose their intellect and lose control of their senses! Glories, to SadGuru, who helps them and all of us in protecting ourselves from your magic!!

Hari & Hara Differnce

Oh! Maya! You have that a magical whip to make un-imaginable things happen! That Vedic Purusha, who is one is being envisioned as Hari and Hara. With our tricks you created the differences between those two envisioned forms /names of Purusha and made people / groups fight on the name of their envisioned form of the same Purusha! What can I say about your unimaginable Powers! Glories to SadGuru, who blessed us and helped us envision that same Purusha, in those two forms!!

Oh! Maya in addition to the forms of Hari/Hara, in this age of Kali there are also several other religions, which Envision that same Purusha in different forms or names like Adonai, Allah, Holy Spirit etc.! Although those (Abrahamic) religions preach that Purusha, who does have a name and form (A Male God, named Allah or Adonai), they preach against idol worship! While Upanishads preach that Brahman, who is form-less, nameless and attribute-less, several religions (foreign and indigenous) basically living in the materialistic plane, which is bound by time, space and matter either preach idol worship or against idol worship. Unless one comes out of the materialistic plane, and unless one is completely out of time and space, and unless one envisions the Supreme as the eye witness of the three states (of Awakened, Deep Sleep and Dream) what difference it makes if one worships an Idol or not?! Oh! Maya you have cast spell on the ignorant folks to make them think that one materialistic(Vyaavahaarika) religion is better than the other! Glories to SadGuru, who had blessed us with the Maha Vakyam of Tathwamashi  and help us get out out of the materialistic plane!!

Maya and Caste/social / racial differences

Oh! Maya your magical skills are countless! For the purpose of organizing the social duties scriptures have created Varnas or social classes and ashramas or stages. But with your limitless skills you created 100s of religions,castes, races, etc. and differences among them! Once religion/race/caste thinks itself superior to others and may also be fighting with other religions or castes or races! Without any significance in the Shastras, those castes try to create social issues etc. And a group of opportunistic people, would call themselves as social workers, who were to remove the caste-based differences, and would create another brand new religion , which may become the reason for much more social calamities. While all human beings have originated from that same Supreme, and all of them have the potential to realize their true forms as none other than that Supreme - what is the use in practising multiple religions? People who have not come out of your spells call themselves as divine messengers, spiritual leaders, SadGuru and try to form new religions! How can an ignorant soul, which is submerged in the illusion of darkness and entangled with the materialistic plane , bound by time and space show that bound-less, limit-less Supreme to others? 

Maya and Formation of Mind

Oh! Maya ! Who else other than the ones blessed with the blessings of a SadGuru can overcome your power? Logical thinking, intellect and all other intelligence become powerless before you. Only with the blessings of a SadGuru, one's intellect works in the right order. Due to karma and bondage form previous births, one returns to this world after death and enters mother's womb. One meditates upon that brightness of Supreme inside one's mother's womb. Upon jumping out into this world of materialism, one cries endlessly! One smiles as a kid thinking of that Supreme bliss one enjoys! With no association of yours, one is innocent and divine as a kid! Slowly you take control over that new born kid! 

Maya and the three systems of Philosophies(Process of Differentiation) 


Oh! Maya! with your influence is formed that Mind, which is your Kingdom! That mind, is called as MayaPuri or the Kingdom of illusion, which is the basis for material existence of an entity! Before that mind is fully formed the kid envisions the entire world  and everything else as a manifestation of that Un-Dividable Truth, which is not bound by time, space and materials. Before the mind is formed the kid is in the state, devoid of time and space! That kid lives in the bliss of the Supreme, drinking the nectar of the divine bliss. That kid lives in a plane, which is devoid of time,space and materials! that kid enjoys the bliss of divinity ! But not after you have taken control! Until you have cast your spell on the kid, it lives in a non-dual mode, envisioning the Self no different from the Supreme!


oh! Maya slowly after the development of mind, that kid sees all the intelligent (Chetanas) as one group, and all the mundane things (Achetanas) as another group! The kid sees then envisions the Supreme as Ishwara - and all of the three entities known to that kid, which had fallen into the materialistic plane of existence are in the materialistic world (Vyavahaarika) which are all bound by time, space and materials, which are also subject to transition by those three entities! Oh! Maya your powers are un-imaginable! You had made that helpless child to fall into the materialistic place from  that plane which is devoid of all the stuff (Paaramarthika)! And your sibling Avidya or ignorance veils the true nature of the Self and projects this Materialistic plane ans a true entity! Oh! Maya your skills are abundant! In that stage that kid lives in a specialized non-dual mode (although still in the materialistic plane) - and the kid knows only 3 differences  based on the three entities (Intelligent,mundane and SupremeGod - Chetana,Achetana and Ishwara)


Oh! Maya going further when the mind is fully developed, you introduce further more differences ! The kid identifies each individual to be Unique and each of the mundane things to be Unique too.  Given the three set of entities (Mundane, Intelligent and Supreme God) , and the differences between the individuals now the child envisions a total of 5 differences and continues the differences created by you to be real! Oh! Maya! who can match your intelligence? You took full control of the innocent child and entered into that child though it's mind and made the child believe that there are a total of 5 differences! Who else can match your skills?

Overcoming Maya By Guru's graces(Process of Integration)

Oh! Maya I am amazed by your skills! That child which has it's mind full formed, now believes that there are 5 differences! Once again depending upon one's karma one reaches the right SadGuru and surrenders to a SadGuru! Only by the graces of SadGuru, one tries to come out of your spell and analyse logically if those 5 differences or 3 differences are true or illusive! Upon realization of the fact that this entire materialistic plane of existence is all illusive, and only that Supreme is true , that child envisions one's Self as no different from that Supreme! With the graces of SadGuru, that child re-enters that state f Supreme Bliss and comes out of your spell! Your magic becomes powerless before the graces of a SadGuru! Glories to SadGuru! Oh! Maya! If you weren't there, there wont be a chance for us to get into illusion and then come out of it (by SadGuru's graces)!

Oh! Maya! After someone is under your spell it may take several births or years for one to come out of your clutches! If that SadGuru, is not fully enlightened himself, that SadGuru may not show the true path, and that child get entangled into your spell again! Oh! Maya ! You and your sibling Avidya run away only by the graces of SadGuru!

Maya and the five koshas

Oh! Maya ! One's Self is only the manifestation of Pure consciousness, which is the witness for the three states (Jagrad,Swapna and Sushupthi)! But by you magic that child thought that, it's true state was the state of bliss. (Anandamaya)!  Falling down further, the child thought that the state of intelligence or Vignanamaya may be his true from! That poor child fell prey to your spell again and thought that, manomaya or one's Mind is one's true state! Ruling from that child's mind you further had that child fall down into the stage, where he envisioned that the vital air, by which the entire body operates is one's true from (PranaMaya)! Oh! Maya! you didn't stop there! You made the child fall down further to believe hat one's true from is one's physical body, which is obtained from the food consumed. (Anna Maya). Falling down to the lowest level of existence and deviating away from the will to attain perfection (Mumukashathvam) that child roamed helplessly, falling prey to worldly pleasures, materialism and lust!!

Maya And Jeevan Muktha

Oh! Maya that helpless child surrendered to a true SadGuru, who has attained the wisdom of Self! By the graces of that Sad Guru, that child re-gained it's will to attain perfection by the knowledge of the Self! That child elevated itself from AnnaMaya to PranaMaya and up-to AnadaMaya! Since Ananda or bliss is an attribute or a feeling in the mind that SadGuru explained that the state of bliss is not the final state and preached the MahaVakyam of Tahvamashi! That kid then by the graces of SadGuru, analysed the true nature of the Self and envisioned one's Self as a witness of the three states or Jagrad,Swapna and Sushupthi! Thus that child finally attained the purpose of the life and became a JeevanMuktha! Oh! Maya you showed me a colourful experience ! If not by the by the graces of the SadGuru, that child would not have come out of your spell! Oh! Maya the powerful graces from the eyes of my SadGuru are like the beam of leasers,which melts the wax of your spell and cleanses the intellect !

Having gotten out of your spell, that child got enlightened with the wisdom of the Self! That child became a JeevanMuktha and remained in constant remembrance of the graces of it's Sad Guru! That child did all sad karmas, to remind the child of its true state, and to keep it's intellect and mind clean! With constant surrender of all the materialistic positions like mind etc. to SadGuru's holy feet, that kid after leaving the mortal body became one with that Supreme and enter a state of non-transition, and a place, where there are no changes!

Beauty of Maya

Oh! Maya! Like how scriptures say, the whole beauty of this birth wont be achieved with your association! You live in the mind and the Athma, which is there in the hear, is veiled by you! By the graces of SadGuru one overcomes the mind and envisions the true from of the Self! Without you, we may not see all the colours in the spiritual journey! Glories to SadGuru, whose graces helps us to overcome you!

Maya and Creativity

Oh! Maya! I have listed out all of your atrocious deeds so far! And of-course I must also say the good things about you! You rule each and every person by occupying their mind. As the name suggests, Mind is the primary centre of creativity, fantasies,arts etc. Without all those, there may be no colour in this world! The Same truth, the Single Truth, which is mentioned in the Upanishads, (Om Ith Ekaksharam Brahma) has manifested into thousands of mantras, thousands of Puranas, all with the creative story telling / writing, which is very much needed for people to get diverted towards the path of liberation! All those varieties, all the colourful flowers, birds , butterflies etc. are all your positive creativity, which is displayed! Without your association, the creation of this world, etc. might not have happened. Oh! Maya you are not only adept at making adverse things happen but also an expert at making good things possible. Glories to the SadGuru, who showed us the good and bad attributes of Maya and removed us from the illusion of Maya!