Monday, December 28, 2015

Thirukural & Manu Smruthi


With divine instinct Thiru Valluvar composed this work. Legend has it that, he took it to Madurai for arangetram and the golden  louts tank int he temple, Kural was accepted in a golden Lotus miraculously and this became Universally famous.

Accordance of Kural with the Vedic concepts:

First of all we have to understand the logic / concept behind the arrangement of the Chapters  - Aram, Poul and Inbam in Thamiz are direct translations of Dharma, Artha Kama - which are the first three purusharthas. Moksham, which is glorified as the fourth objective of life has been mentioned in Thiru Mantriam and together these two works tach us allt he 4 objectives of life. As anyone can guess the  atheists reject Dharma and Moksha - and just accept  Porul (Commerce) and Inbam (Pleasure). These so called Dravidian atheists are none but the charvakas in disguise. Ancient Thamizh Kings have given funds to protect Dharmas and have given grants to villages/ temples/ Vedas etc.. and these fools seem to do the opposite.

Here's one of the glorious Kural(s):

Pirappokkum ella uyirkkum sirappovva 

seithozhil vaetrumai yaan.

Meaning: By the nature of the work one does fame / bigotry is acquired. This indirectly quotes the Varna Dharmas - where Brahmanas  recite Vedas, Kings protect the nation, Vaishyas do trade and Shudras work hard for the welfare of the society. This could be seen in both the sides . Although there are not explicit references of Varna system, Valluvar elaborates the duties of Kings, Brahmans farmers etc. which is a proof for the existence  and acceptance of the Varna system even in Sangam times. (Luckily there was no opportunistic atheistic dumb groups in those times to suppress the righteousness of the society).

In Gita Krishna Says: 

catur-varnyam maya srstam
tasya kartaram api mam
viddhy akartaram avyayam:

Desc: This is an exact translation of the above kural. Based on the karma = the work one does, and the Guna (Sathvam, Thama: Raja:)  one gets transformed into one of the four varna(s).  This explicitly states that anyone (even if low by birth) possess Sathva Guna would be considered a Brahmana as against one who posses thamasic Guna would be considered lower even if born into a higher caste. There should be no confusion about this to any of us. Just with some hatred towards Brahmins / Vedas some fools declared Thirukural to be great, without even knowing that Thirukural was never intended to conflict with the Vedic principles.

Note: We cant declare that Valluvar is denying the Varnas base don this Kural - as there are references to kings, Brahmanas etc.. in Thirukural as we see below.

மறப்பினும், ஒத்துக் கொளல் ஆகும்; பார்ப்பான்

பிறப்பு ஒழுக்கம் குன்றக் கெடும்

Meaning:  Right conduct for a Brahmana is very important. Even if he forgets the Vedas, he can learn it back - but not if he forgets or loses his  right codnuct, which is supposed to be followed by birth. Valluvar uses the work parapanan - which enas that he's twice born.

Note: Here Valluvar very clearly accepts the Varna Dharma - where he declares that the status of a Brahmaan is obtianed by birth , and the birth of a Brahmana is sacred.

A very close equivalent of this in the Manu Smruthi can be seen here:

AchAraH paramo dharmaH shrutyoktaH smArta eva cha |
tasmAdasmin.h sadA yukto nityaM syAdAtmavAn.h dvijaH ||

Desc: The acharam or conduct , which has been taught through the Sruit or Vedas and Smrthi or the shastras must be followed by a twice-born (Parapanan) allt he times. 

AchArAd.h vichyuto vipro na vedaphalamashnute |
AchAreNa tu sa.nyuktaH sampUrNaphalabhAg.h bhavet.h 

Desc: A Brahmana, who does not follow the acharam of his varna (as preached by Sruit and Smruti) does not obtain the fruit of (learning) Vedas. Only a Brahmana, who follows his acharam, get the right benefit of VEdas.

Note: Only igonorant  ones may think that Kural is different from the Shastras . All the rgeat wise men of realization have been saying the same fact in different languages and different ways. Atheism and racist theory has no place in this domain. 

Kural 259: Pulal Maruthal

அவி சொரிந்து ஆயிரம் வேட்டலின், ஒன்றன்

உயிர் செகுத்து உண்ணாமை நன்று.

Explanation: Here  Valluvar makes direct reference to the Vedic yagnas. He declares that, abstaining from eat meat is much more virtuous than making 1000  offerings of Havis (or rice) in the yagnas. The beauty here is that, the Vedic culture was very well established even 3000 years ago, during the Sangam period. The word Havis or Avis refers tot he offerings of rice and ghee in fire in a Vedic sacrifice. This kural is also a direct translation of the sloka from Manu Smruthi:

Equivalent Sloka from Manu Smruthi:

Varshe Varshe Aswamedhena Yo Yajetha Shatham Sama:

Mamsaani Cha Na Khadedhyasthayo: PunyaPhalam Samam

Desc: Now Manu declares the merits of being a non-meat eater . One who avoids meat and remains as a vegetarian (and also avoids the prohibited food items from the Shastras) is rewarded with the fruit of performing AswaMedha Yagnam each year for a period of 100 years.

Note: Some narrow-minded fools call themselves as social reformers without the knowledge of the glorious scriptures of our ancestors translate Kural with  their half-boiled knowledge and impose the concept of Aryan -Dravidian crap on us. Glorious are our scriptures and Thiru Kural is no different than the Dharma Shastras.

Kural:  Neethar Perumai

நிறைமொழி மாந்தர் பெருமை நிலத்து

மறைமொழி காட்டிவிடும்.

Kural 543: Sengoinmai

அந்தணர் நூற்கு மறத்திற்கு மாதியாய் 

நின்றது மன்னவன் கோல்.

Explanation: The sengol or the dandam or the authority of a King is the basis / source of protection for the  scriptures of the Brahmanas and Dharma . This internally means that it's duty of the king to protect the Brahmaans, Vedas and Dharma (as he does protect all the other 2 varnas).

Kural 21: neethar Perumai

ஒழுக்கத்து நீத்தார் பெருமை விழுப்பத்து

வேண்டும் பனுவற் றுணிவு.

Kual: 560 (Kodungonmai)

ஆ பயன் குன்றும்; அறுதொழிலோர் நூல் மறப்பர்

காவலன் காவான் எனின்.

Explanation: Here Valluvar talks about the atrocities, when a King does not administer his country in the right manner. Cows and Brahmins are considered noble and the Sanskrit prayer for the both says:

Go Brahmanebyo Sukamasthu Nithyam:

Which literally means that, the Cows, which showers it's milk for the children of human beings, and the Brahmana, who uses the Vedas, which he learnt for the welfare of this Society and performs the yagnas should be happy and prosperous. 

ThiruValluvar glorifies the above statement, and says that if a King would do mis-management , then the cows would stop giving milk and the Brahmans - who have the six fold duties would forget the Vedas. The important point to be noted here is that, if there's no milk form cows - imagine how many kids would die, so is the case if the Brahmans forget the Vedas (Vedas are not supposed to be written - only through memory). Such is the status, which Valluvar gives to the Vedas.

Note: Here Valluvar describes Brahmanas as the ones with 6 duties, which is described in the Dharma Shastras as below:

adhyApanamadhyayanaM yajanaM yAjanaM tathA |

dAnaM pratigrahaM chaiva brAhmaNAnAmakalpayat.h |

Exp: Teach Vedas, Learning Vedas, doing yagnas, leading yagnas, giving gifts accepting gifts are the 6 duties prescribed to Brahmans.

Here's another Kural:

Kural 931: Soodhu

வேண்டற்க, வென்றிடினும் சூதினை! வென்றதூஉம்,
தூண்டில்-பொன் மீன் விழுங்கியற்று.

Exp: Just like the fish in water , which thinks the iron in the fishing rod to be its food and gets killed / trapped, gambling may offer small benefits / victory but destroy everything.

Equivalent sloka from Manu Smruthi is:

dyUtaM samAhvayaM chaiva rAjA rAShTrAtnivArayet.h |

rAjAntakaraNAvetau dvau doShau pR^ithivIkShitAm.h ||

Manu declares that, gambling and betting money etc. should be totally avoided in a kingdom as it may lead to the total destruction of a country.

Kural 41: Ill Vazhkai

இல்வாழ்வான் என்பான் இயல்பு உடைய மூவர்க்கும்
நல்லாற்றின் நின்ற துணை

Desc: In this glorious Kural, Valluvar elaborates the three ashramas - Brahscharya, VanaPrstha and Sanya, all of which is supported / benifitted (by food,e tc..) by a housleholder.

brahmachArI gR^ihasthashcha vAnaprastho yatistathA |
ete gR^ihasthaprabhavAshchatvAraH pR^ithagAshramAH ||

The four orders - Brahscharit, gruhastha, vaanaprstha, and sanyasi, these (constitute) spring from (the order of) householders

Thursday, August 27, 2015

ParaMatha Bhangam

From time to time to protect the Vedic religion from the hands of cruel minded and non-Vedic  Nastheekas great Acharyas do come to this world. After Shankara, and Ramanuja Vedantha Deshika one such glorious Acharya, who protected our religion. He addressed all those religions, which weren’t Vedic or Nastheeka at his time like Charvaka, Jinam, Bouddham etc. But these days the threat is coming in a different way and angle. While no one can threaten or challenge the authenticity of our glorious scriptures and religion, some fools do try to do so like a cat, which closes its eyes and drinks the milk, assuming that, no one sees them.

Mono-Theistic Religions

While the concept of God etc. is in par with the Core Vedic concepts, the "so called" Monotheistic religions have a huge amount of controversy.

The following are the questions, which are not addressed there:

Creator / Created:

  1. If the same creator created all the beings, aren't they a part of him ?
  2. If only the creator should be worshiped, then why is there a special status for the his messengers?
  3. If the creator is one, how he has only one son ? (Trinity)
  4. If the creator is the one, who instructed his messengers, how come he ordered to behead his own children?(believers / non-believers)
  1. What is the nature of the God? 
  2. Is he a Man? 
  3. Can he create the world (in 6 days?)? 
  4. Is the God personal or impersonal? 
  5. If he is Man is he married or single?
  6. If "he" is associated with qualities of Mercy etc. so, is he a Personal God or void of attributes?
Individual Soul
  1. What is the relationship between the man or Individual Soul and the Supreme? 
  2. Who actually is this Soul - the body, 5 senses, mind or intellect?
  3. After death where and how does the Soul go? 
  4. What happens to people, who weren’t religious? (They have only Heaven and Hell).
  5. What would be the state of the Soul after death? (Will it merge with God? Will it be drinking the nectar of Divinity? 
This Universe
  1. What's the status of this Universe?
  2. Is that a part of the Supreme? 
  3. If God created the Universe in 6 days is it a part of him or separate?
  4. Who will be the destroyer?
10 Commandments

  1. If God is all prevalent why would he be jealous?
  2. If there is only one God, how would anyone worship anyone else? 

  1. Why would we need one religion per (major) prophet?
  2. If it was the same God and the same set of Prophets, why would those major religions hate or confront each other’s?
  3. If all the prophets were messengers of the same God, why would their messages vary and why would they speak different languages?
Religious Conversions

  1. If a child inherits the genes and family name from its parents how can a child not inherit the religion from it's parents?
  2. Why is physical conversion needed when the attributes of any given religion is all for the Soul, which is eternal?
  3. How can one change the name (of this mortal body) and other physical signs and call one's Self "Converted" ?
  4. What purpose does a conversion solve when the Soul and mind are deep-rooted in it's actual (native ) culture?
Idol Worship

  1. Why worship the buildings or pictures or graves? 
  2. Isn't that considered Idol worship?
  3. If any of the creations can’t be holy, then why are books considered Holy?
  4. Idols have been replaced with other objects / books / items of worship -  how would that not be considered idol worship?
Cremation / Burial:

  1. Why to preserve the bodies of the deceased in a burial ground? 
  2. If this body is made of soil / 5 elements, then it would get rotten. Why to preserve the graves?
  3. If any form of ideology / idol worship is prohibited, then why to worship the graves of dead?
  4. Why not cremate the bodies and return their ashes to river or mountains? 
Origin of Human Being(s):

  1. How can all the man kind originate from just two people?
  2. If so, how there are totally diverse genetical combinations (look, heights etc..) ?

The concept of Monotheism was actually passed on to the original Jews through the Zorastrains / Yazidis, who share a lot in common with the Vedic religion and now that's coming back to us on different names to India.

These days some fools quote verses from Vedas etc. claiming that their religions were mentioned in Upanishads - which doesn’t make any sense.

Atheistic Religions

All other older religions like Charvaka, Bouddha and Jinam all fall under this category. Those religions died a natural death and were driven away from India respectfully.

Dharmic Religions (Rejecting the Authority of Vedas)

While there are so many religions, falling under this category, Sikhism is a very good example of this. Although it's actually a specialized version of Advaitham, it's projected as a separate  religion today (confronting the glorious Vedic religion).  Prostrating the holy feet of Guru Gobind Singh, I am writing this for the modern day hypocrites of Sikhism. I am sure the original intention was not to refute the Vedas or Shastras. This is  only an intellectual confrontation and  not personal.

Here's the refutation for their rejection of Vedas:


1. The concept of Guru is completely borrowed from the Vedic religion, then why reject the Vedas?

2. While the glorious lineage of Gurus for the Vedic tradition starts form Lord Vishnu himself why break that lineage and start a "private" religion ?
3. Why do we need a religion to say that Guru is great, while it's already done int he Vedic religion ?
4. Guru Granth - vedas are nothing but which were originated from that Supreme , which were grasped by the Rishis, who are the original Gurus. While Vedas are the only legitimate Guru Granth available on this Universe - why reject them for "man made" scriptures?


  1. Ek Omkar - this is a translation of the work "Om ithi Ekaksharam Brahma" from the Mandukya Upanishad . - then why reject the Upanishad from which this word was copied?
  2. Once again, One God int he Upanishads is what has manifested to many. So, Vedic religion is the true Mono Theistic religion - everything else if kind of shallow, reflecting the Vedic facts. Why reject the Vedas and just steal the concepts from vedas?
  3. Sat nam - There are two things here. Upanishads say Sathyam Gnanm Anantham Brhma and also Nama Rupas are all Maya . So, it causes confusion if we mix these two. Why create more confusion when  Upanishads already have this?
  4. Kartha - Here God is described as the doer or Creator. But shastras declare him as the Karanam - act of doing, Kaaranam - the base or reason for doing and Kartha - the doer. So shastras are far ahead of this.
  5. NirBhao,Nir Vair - From a Vedanthic perspective fear and hatred exist only when there's a mind. Mind itself is an illusive entity, which will vanish upon the realization fo Self. God shines within one as the Self. so this beats the purpose of praising the God and hence deviates the actual philosophy of Vedas.
  6. Akal Murat , Ayoni - Again , if Akal means no death or not affected by time, then he should also be Ayonija or not born in mother's womb. The concept of Brahmam as described in Upanishads is not what's being talked here. Why create new scriptures and reject the ones, from which it was taken ?
  7. Sai Bhang - Swayam Prakasha , who is self illuminated - this quality of Brahmam or the Supreme negates everything else mentioned earlier. Brahma Sutras explain these very clearly.
  8. Guru Prasad - If God is revealed only through one's Guru, why are the actual Gurus form the Vedas, being rejected here? Why do we need a new religion , and new confusion / issues ?

Thus it is clear to us that Guru Gobind Singh talked only about Vedas / scriptures and never rejected them. The modern day Sikhs, who condemn the Vedas are actual hypocrites trying to follow other religions etc..

Worshiping book or worshiping the Idol  - both are same. It's the essence of the teachings and the people who lived as per that, who need to be worshiped not the book - we can just burn off a book for that matter.

Atheistic / Agnostic Groups:

In the word (esp. in TN/India) certain movements condemn the Vedas/ the Vedic religion / other religions in general. Here are the questions / prashnas for those folks:

Aryan / Dravidian Theory:

1. If Aryans were foreigners, then how are some of the "so called" Darvidians fair skinned?

2. Only the African breed originated first and were living in the forests etc. Dravidians (so called) - neither do they resemble the native Africans (some of the tribes) - which means they are also Aryans.
3. Adi Dravidas - that means that, a common Dravida is not an Adi Dravida, - meaning they migrated from the North or somewhere.
4. Aryan Invasion Theory - If before 5000 or may be 10000 years if Aryans invaded India, then how about the Moguls and others? just before 1000 years they invaded the Vedic Land and made huge massacres. How are they accepted with love? Hoe about the British and others?
5. Aryan vs Dravidian : First of all the word Dravida itself is a Sanskrit name for the Land of Thamizs . For political reasons certain narrow minded people targeted the Brahmin's  and declared that all the 4 Southern states were Dravidian. If Aryans had Brahmans, they also had warriors, traders and workers - which means that the entire society is Aryan (excluding the tribes int he forest).

Self Respect / Declining Manu Smrtuhi:

1. How can one respect the Self, without know the actual Self?

2. How would condemning the Vedas / Brahmans solve the problem in Society?
3. Self can be respected truly only if the Self merges into the Supreme Self.
4. If they deny God, why to condemn the followers?

Thus it is utter hypocrisy or cowardice what they practice on the name of Self respect.


Considering the discrepancies in all other pseudo religions, which focus on outward things and not the inner Self, Vedic religion is the best of All. Long live the Vedas!! Long live the Vedic Rishis! Long live the Varnashrama Dharmas! Lon live the Bhakthas! Long live this Country!