Thursday, January 19, 2012


Glories of the Upanishads

Upanishads are 108 in number. Obviously it's a large number. One may think, where to start from and where to end? Whom do I go to to learn them? Am I eligible to read them? Is my teacher qualified to teach me? Only less than 10% of the public get such kind of thoughts, while all others are deeply immersed in the ocean of life and death or Samara and don't have time to think about spiritual matters.

So, that 10% of seekers for whatever reasons aren't directed to the right spiritual masters, to show them the right path. Like how the seeds, sowed into the ground sprout, grow, flower and yield fruits - some of them do well. So of them die half the way and some, never sprout. Like that, some of us are Swayam Prakasha, based on the sadkarmas from the previous births we get that enlightenment without any extra effort or severe penance or by Guru Krupa, where as  most of us do not elevate to that state. Such kind of revelation is called as wisdom of the Self (Aathma Gnana).

It may be a very uncommon topic for most of us to describe the nature of Self. Like how eating, sleeping, playing, earning etc.. are needed for the survival in this world, inquiry about the Self is needed for our spiritual life.Self-Enquiry is just a very beginning start of the journey to the Spiritual world. A fully realized man can be a very good house-holder or a sanyaasi or a BrahmaChaari while the reverse is not true. The fruit of this human birth is Self-Realization. A person, who is realized is called as Jeevan-Muktha or the one, who is liberated from the difference between the Self and Supreme. In that state one comes out of the materialistic world and enters the world, which is void of materialism and illusion and realizes that, the Supreme is what is the Self.

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