Just like how a small binocular would help us show the distant, invisible objects to us, the love for Supreme would help us envision the concept of Supreme and help us become one with the same. Shaivite saints like Thirumoolar and others, Sufi Saints, Azwars etc.. have all described this eternal love for the Supreme in their blissful poems. Let's enjoy the nectar of love from Thiru Moolar's words:
அன்பு சிவம் இரண்டு என்பர் அறிவிலார்
அன்பே சிவமாவது ஆரும் அறிகிலார்
அன்பே சிவமாவது ஆரும் அறிந்தபின்
அன்பே சிவமாய் அமர்ந்திருந் தாரே. 1
Desc: Thirumoolar here declares that, the Para Tathvam, which is described in the Upanishads, which is Shivam is nothing but love. Only ignorant ones, would say that, love and God are different as they do not know that, it is true love (for God) that has become that Supreme. Once those ignorant ones have realized that, the manifestation of love as the Shivam they just rest in peace, realizing the fact that, love is what is the Supreme Shivam.
Note: While all other religions talk about love in various forms it is Shaivam, which has given the Supreme status of divinity and equality of love with God. Such is the glory of the ancient Shaivam .
பொன்னைக் கடந்திலங் கும்புலித் தோலினன்
மின்னிக் கிடந்து மிளிரும் இளம்பிறை
துன்னிக் கிடந்த சுடுபொடி யாடிக்குப்
பின்னிக் கிடந்ததென் பேரன்பு தானே. 2
Desc: While Thirumoolar declared that, love is Divinity in the very first stanza, here he praises the attributes of his Sweet Lord, Parameshwara. He says that, his great love and affection were on that Lord, who wears the skin of tigers, which shines like gold, the ashtami chandra, which shines and the, who smears the warm ashes from yagnas (or cremation grounds all over the body. While wearing ashes, tiger skin (Vyagra Charmam) etc.. are considered inferior for normal samsaaris, Parameshwara is beyond all this materialistic world and whatever Lord does (like he begs as Bikshaatana), it is an object of praise for his sweet devotees. Just like how an affectionate mother loves her kids (irrespective of how they look and talk) devotees love and praise their Lord.
என்பே விறகா இறைச்சி அறுத்திட்டுப்
பொன்போற் கனலிற் பெரிய வறுப்பினும்
அன்போடு உருகி அகங்குழை வார்க்கன்றி
என்போல் மணியினை எய்தஒண் ணாதே. 3
Desc: Here Thirumoolar talks about true love for Lord. He goes to the maximum extent where, one's bones are broken and used a firewood and flesh is cut into pieces and deep fried in oil. He states that, even in that condition, one's heart needs to melt in the eternal love for Almighty the God and only such people can attain that divine gem, of Shiva. Here Thirumoolar talks about the pain, austerities and sacrifices one does for the sake of one's love for God. None other than the 63 Nayanmaars are live examples of this extreme love for God. While one offered his own child as food to God and another collected the paddy seeds sowed in the ground and broke his home's roof and used as fire wood (Maaranar) and another offered his own wife to Parameshwara and guarded him until the end of the city sot hat his relatives don't try to attack his Lord (Iyar Pahayar). Like that, Shiva Bhakthas go to any extent for the sake of their love for their sweet Lord. Parameshwara tests their Bhakthy by putting them into serious troubles and then blesses them. In reality it is a message for the sinful samsaaris, who just think about money all the times, to turn their mind towards Parameshwara. Lord know s that, his true Bhakthas would go to any extent - but he wants to send a message to the sinners and that's why he play that divine drama (Thiru Vilayadal).
ஆர்வம் உடையவர் காண்பார் அரன்தன்னை
ஈரம் உடையவர் காண்பார் இணையடி
பாரம் உடையவர் காண்பார் பவந்தன்னைக்
கோர நெறிகொடு கொங்குபுக் காரே. 4
Desc: One who has Sraddha or commitment will see Hara(n), and one who has the love in his heart will see Lord's feet, and one who have the weight of Lord's feet in their hear will see Bhava.
கருத்துறு செம்பொன்செய் காய்கதிர்ச் சோதி
இருத்தியும் வைத்தும் இறைவன் என்று ஏத்தியும்
அருத்தியுள் ஈசனை யாரருள் வேண்டில்
விருத்தி கொடுத்திடும் விண்ணவர் கோனே. 8
Desc: Here Thirumoolar says that, the divine Light, which shines above the heavens (Lord Shiva) will bless the ones with progress (viruthi), who worship him as the Supreme Lord.
அன்பின் உள் ளான்புறத்தான் உட லாயுளான்
முன்பின்உள் ளான்முனி வர்க்கும் பிரானவன்
அன்பின்உள் ளாகி அமரும் அரும்பொருள்
அன்பினுள் ளார்க்கே அணைதுணை யாமே. 6
Desc: Thirumoolar concludes this series of verses by declaring that, Lord remains as the front,back,body, in and out of Love, who is also the Lord of great Munivars. He further states that, the Lord, who is the inner object of Love, will be sought as a refuge only by the ones, who have true love or Bhakthy for the Lord.
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