The word Varna means color and the society has been divided into four different classes, based on their social responsibilities. This has nothing to do with the caste differences etc... as projected by the modern day politicians. Brahmins are supposed to pray for social welfare, conduct yagnas etc.., while Kshatriyas were strong warriors bringing forth victory to a country. Vaishyas would increase the cash flow and make a kingdom wealthy by means of trade. Shudras who belong to 4th Varna would bring forth happiness or Suka to society by virtue of their manual labor and hard work. This is completely based on the division of social responsibilities and has nothing to do with dividing the society based on personal discrimination. It is very obvious to us that, one single person can never carry out all the 4 diff responsibilities simultaneously at the same time. Later on people belonging tot he same Varna would segregate themselves into castes and practice untouchability on others, to claim superiority and this has nothing to do with Dharma Shastras. So one Sudra or Brahman caste would treat other Sudra or Brahman caste as untouchable and attribute that to Shastras - that's completely unacceptable and Manu Bhagavan never mentioned anything like that. So Dharma Shastras or religion cannot be blamed for all the caste based riots or untouchability.
Now let's take a peek at various Shastras or rules related to Marriage and married life in Dharma Shastras. Dharma Shastras clearly declare how marriages should be conducted and what are the duties of a house-hold man or woman. While Manu Bhagavan imposes several restrictions on women he finally declares that women should be kept happy for a home to flourish. Manu Bhagavan's rules and regulations are pretty much practical and adaptable (considering the time when these were originated).
Pitha rakshathi koumaare Bhartha rakshathi youvane
rakshanthis thavire puthra: na: sthree swatantiyam arhathi:
Desc: Very beautiful verse describing the courtesy or duty of a man to protect women always.Women have an emotional dependency on men and love to be taken care of - how ever independent they are. So she is protected by her father in young age (Koumara or childhood), protected by her husband when she has attained age (Youvana) and protected by her son in her old age (after her husband passes away). Thus a women can never be independent of men. (Single women are not authorized by Shastras). Thus a girl's father takes care of all her needs while she's a kid - toys, food, cosmetics etc.. Scientifically 18 years of age is said to be a good age for women to get married. (But lot of men and women seem to have premarital affairs to appease their physical needs.) So, science can certainly determine the right age for marriage but cant prevent folks from having premarital affairs. So adhering to scientific facts is always good as long as we could stick to the morals. So Shastras seem to say the age of 9-12 years as appropriate age of marriage for a woman. That is also based on the fact that, women didn't undergo formal education etc. in olden days and they get married soon to learn the household responsibilities. So after attainment of right age for marriage a father gets her daughter married to a qualified man of the same Varna (savarna), and that man who's her life partner would take care of all her bodily needs + financial needs. After the passage of her husband her sons would take care of her in her old age. That way women's right are protected all around.
Note: While there are certainly scientific reasons for a woman not to bear a child before she's 18, there's no guarantee from science or anyone that a girl stays pure and chaste until she is 18. HIV and other diseases are a result of immoral behaviors, which resulted in extra marital affairs. So application of scientific facts, without violating the moral values is very very important. Ideally a modern girl gets married when she is close to 33 and after 2 kids she decides to divorce her husband when she is 36 or 37, with a stubborn mind to be independent.
Instead of being stubborn on the vows, she had taken at the time of marriage (during ashmaarohanam) and stay committed tot he family and husband she decides to flee her husband for the replacement of another man or alimony of personal freedom or whatever.Such kinds of social taboos must be removed from the society for the establishment and progress of the Society and the Vedic culture. Freedom of women, equal rights etc.. are all good if it will not hurt the harmony and happiness of the family and the society eventually.
Kaale Datha Pitha Vachyo: Vachya: Chaan Upayan Pathi:
Mruthe Barthari Puthra: Thu Vachye mathu: Arakshitha:
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan goes a step ahead and condemns those men, who don't protect the women, whom they need to protect as a part of their duty. Condemnable is the father, who doesn't take care of his adolescent daughter, and so is the husband who doesn't love his wife and take care of her physical and financial needs. Condemnable is the son, who doesn't take care of his widowed mother. In one form or the other, each an every man is expected to take care of women - daughter,wife, mother and sisters.
Pathi Bhaaryaam Sam PravishyaGarbho Boothveha Jaayathe
JaayayaK Thadhhi Jaayaathvam yadasyam Jaayathe Puna:
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan beautifully describes the genetical science. The husband enters the body of his wife in the form of semen and takes birth in her womb. So wife is called as the Jaayaa or mother, as she is giving a rebirth to her husband in the form of his progeny. Here Bhagavan Manu describes wive(s) as Mother(s). Such is the glory of the Vedic religion.
Paanam Durjana Samsargaa: Pathya: Cha Virahotanam
Swapno Anya Gehavaascha Naari Sandooshanaai Shad
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan talks about the 6 reasons for the collapse or ruin of a wom and house hold:
Alcohol consumption leads to adultery etc.. as we see in movies and other television stuff. So women would lose their consciousness leading to the loss of chastity so it's a "no do" for a virtuous woman. Next bad thing is bad friendship - 95% of the divorces happen, provoked by their friends etc.. who would persuade or encourage a woman to punish her husband. Being brain-washed by their friends, such women , would try to "cheat" their husband(s) without knowing the value of what they are losing in their lives. A girl is entitled to live in her parent's home or her husband's home. Living in any other places and physical separation from her husband (unless she has a virtuous father to advise and protect her), it would ruin the life of a woman for inevitable reasons. Walking and roaming or rambling in the streets without any reason, is another reason for the ruin of household women, as that would open the gate for such bad men to approach them etc.. and the final one is sleeping during the day etc.. Manu Bhagavan had foreseen the atrocities which were going to happen in this Kali Yuga and had warned us well in advance. Women, being the heart of our culture and tradition have stringent regulations, so that the Vedic religion is preserved. Unfortunately the today's women (not all of them) have fallen prey to these evil things, which have manifested themselves in the name of self respect, freedom etc.
Yaddh Gunena Bhartha Sthree Samyujyetha Yatha Vidhi:
TaadhGunaa Saa Bhavathi Samudreneva Nimagna:
Desc: Like how a fresh water river becomes brackish or saline when it mingles with an ocean a woman's individual qualities mingle and become one with a man, after she lawfully marries her. So a wife acquires the qualities (whether good or bad) of the husband and they become one entity. Lawful wedding to a vadhu or a girl from sadkulam or good family is a bliss (while the wedlock with a girl from a family with bad or no values could be a night mare). Manu Bhagavan further explains this concept by quoting the examples of Aksha Maala and Vasishta. So, even a girl who is from a lower class acquires high virtues when she mingles with a noble man.
Apathyam Dharma Kaaryaani Shusroona Rathiruthama
Daatadeena: Tatha Swarga: Pithrronam Athmana: Cha Ha
Desc: Now Bhagavan Manu indicates the importance of wife in a man's life. A man can never dream of the following things in his life without a wife:
Pathim Vaa Nadhi Charathi Mano Vaag Deha Samyatha
Sa Barthrulokan Aapnothi Saasbhdi: Saadhvi: Ithi Uchyathe
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan glorifies the greatness of virtuous women , who control their mind, senses etc. and stay loyal and truthful to their husbands. They get to live in eternal bliss with their respective husband(s) in the so called Barthru lokam or the world of celestial husbands. We have thousands of puranic stories, where virtuous women had great control of nature etc.
Vyabicharathu Barthu: Sthree Loke Prapnothi Nindyatham
Srugaala yonim Praapnothi Paapa Rogaischa Peedyathe
Desc: Such women, who cheat their husband(s) and flirt with other men is extremely Condemnable in this world. After they are dead, they get to take birth in the womb of a female jackal and gets afflicted with the diseases of sin. This also applies to the women who cheat their husbands (not only by being with other men) and take undue advantage of the laws of separation, divorce etc.. All such women who cheat their husband(s) would be born as jackals in next birth(s) while they are christened as Pathitha or one, who has cheated her husband in this birth. As per the Vedic law(s), once a couple are married lawfully in the presence of Fire, there is nothing called as separation. A man may optionally remarry only if this wife cannot bear kids. That remarriage also is possible only after his current wife permits him to do so. Otherwise there is nothing called as divorce whether it be by mutual consent or whatever.
Note: While there are certainly scientific reasons for a woman not to bear a child before she's 18, there's no guarantee from science or anyone that a girl stays pure and chaste until she is 18. HIV and other diseases are a result of immoral behaviors, which resulted in extra marital affairs. So application of scientific facts, without violating the moral values is very very important. Ideally a modern girl gets married when she is close to 33 and after 2 kids she decides to divorce her husband when she is 36 or 37, with a stubborn mind to be independent.
Instead of being stubborn on the vows, she had taken at the time of marriage (during ashmaarohanam) and stay committed tot he family and husband she decides to flee her husband for the replacement of another man or alimony of personal freedom or whatever.Such kinds of social taboos must be removed from the society for the establishment and progress of the Society and the Vedic culture. Freedom of women, equal rights etc.. are all good if it will not hurt the harmony and happiness of the family and the society eventually.
Kaale Datha Pitha Vachyo: Vachya: Chaan Upayan Pathi:
Mruthe Barthari Puthra: Thu Vachye mathu: Arakshitha:
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan goes a step ahead and condemns those men, who don't protect the women, whom they need to protect as a part of their duty. Condemnable is the father, who doesn't take care of his adolescent daughter, and so is the husband who doesn't love his wife and take care of her physical and financial needs. Condemnable is the son, who doesn't take care of his widowed mother. In one form or the other, each an every man is expected to take care of women - daughter,wife, mother and sisters.
Pathi Bhaaryaam Sam PravishyaGarbho Boothveha Jaayathe
JaayayaK Thadhhi Jaayaathvam yadasyam Jaayathe Puna:
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan beautifully describes the genetical science. The husband enters the body of his wife in the form of semen and takes birth in her womb. So wife is called as the Jaayaa or mother, as she is giving a rebirth to her husband in the form of his progeny. Here Bhagavan Manu describes wive(s) as Mother(s). Such is the glory of the Vedic religion.
Paanam Durjana Samsargaa: Pathya: Cha Virahotanam
Swapno Anya Gehavaascha Naari Sandooshanaai Shad
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan talks about the 6 reasons for the collapse or ruin of a wom and house hold:
- Paanam - consumption of alcoholic beverages
- Bad Friendship
- Separation from her Husband
- Living in the house of others
- Idle Rambling
- Sleeping in improper time
Alcohol consumption leads to adultery etc.. as we see in movies and other television stuff. So women would lose their consciousness leading to the loss of chastity so it's a "no do" for a virtuous woman. Next bad thing is bad friendship - 95% of the divorces happen, provoked by their friends etc.. who would persuade or encourage a woman to punish her husband. Being brain-washed by their friends, such women , would try to "cheat" their husband(s) without knowing the value of what they are losing in their lives. A girl is entitled to live in her parent's home or her husband's home. Living in any other places and physical separation from her husband (unless she has a virtuous father to advise and protect her), it would ruin the life of a woman for inevitable reasons. Walking and roaming or rambling in the streets without any reason, is another reason for the ruin of household women, as that would open the gate for such bad men to approach them etc.. and the final one is sleeping during the day etc.. Manu Bhagavan had foreseen the atrocities which were going to happen in this Kali Yuga and had warned us well in advance. Women, being the heart of our culture and tradition have stringent regulations, so that the Vedic religion is preserved. Unfortunately the today's women (not all of them) have fallen prey to these evil things, which have manifested themselves in the name of self respect, freedom etc.
Yaddh Gunena Bhartha Sthree Samyujyetha Yatha Vidhi:
TaadhGunaa Saa Bhavathi Samudreneva Nimagna:
Desc: Like how a fresh water river becomes brackish or saline when it mingles with an ocean a woman's individual qualities mingle and become one with a man, after she lawfully marries her. So a wife acquires the qualities (whether good or bad) of the husband and they become one entity. Lawful wedding to a vadhu or a girl from sadkulam or good family is a bliss (while the wedlock with a girl from a family with bad or no values could be a night mare). Manu Bhagavan further explains this concept by quoting the examples of Aksha Maala and Vasishta. So, even a girl who is from a lower class acquires high virtues when she mingles with a noble man.
Apathyam Dharma Kaaryaani Shusroona Rathiruthama
Daatadeena: Tatha Swarga: Pithrronam Athmana: Cha Ha
Desc: Now Bhagavan Manu indicates the importance of wife in a man's life. A man can never dream of the following things in his life without a wife:
- Having kids
- Performance of the religious duties (like Agni hothram, Sraddham etc.)
- Nursing or getting served
- Extreme romance or love
- Ascending of heaven by one and his ancestors
Pathim Vaa Nadhi Charathi Mano Vaag Deha Samyatha
Sa Barthrulokan Aapnothi Saasbhdi: Saadhvi: Ithi Uchyathe
Desc: Here Manu Bhagavan glorifies the greatness of virtuous women , who control their mind, senses etc. and stay loyal and truthful to their husbands. They get to live in eternal bliss with their respective husband(s) in the so called Barthru lokam or the world of celestial husbands. We have thousands of puranic stories, where virtuous women had great control of nature etc.
Vyabicharathu Barthu: Sthree Loke Prapnothi Nindyatham
Srugaala yonim Praapnothi Paapa Rogaischa Peedyathe
Desc: Such women, who cheat their husband(s) and flirt with other men is extremely Condemnable in this world. After they are dead, they get to take birth in the womb of a female jackal and gets afflicted with the diseases of sin. This also applies to the women who cheat their husbands (not only by being with other men) and take undue advantage of the laws of separation, divorce etc.. All such women who cheat their husband(s) would be born as jackals in next birth(s) while they are christened as Pathitha or one, who has cheated her husband in this birth. As per the Vedic law(s), once a couple are married lawfully in the presence of Fire, there is nothing called as separation. A man may optionally remarry only if this wife cannot bear kids. That remarriage also is possible only after his current wife permits him to do so. Otherwise there is nothing called as divorce whether it be by mutual consent or whatever.
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